We are a company that dedicates to the sale and distribution of special treatment medications. With an agile and efficient team we guarantee the distribution, delivery and tracking of medicinal products for patients with hemophilia, immunodeficiency’s, oncological treatments, transplants and other High Cost and Low Incidence Pathologies. Led by professionals with experience and career in the pharmaceutical industry, at Farmactiva we guarantee the safety of the medicines we manage and offer a personalized service.

GRIFOLS Official Distributer

Farmactiva has been chosen by Grifols laboratory as its official and exclusive distributer for their FANHDI and FACTOR IX GRIFOLS products in Patagonia, Northwest, Center and Metropolitan region.


  • Transito Interjurisdiccional de Medicamentos y especialidades medicinales - ANMAT
  • Producto médico - MSAL
  • Certificado GLN-GS1 Argentina
  • Gobierno de la ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires - Certificado de Habilitación
  • Ministerio de Salud de la Nación - Dispone de Habilitación
  • Ministerio de Salud de la Nación - Dispone de DT
  • ANMAT - Certificado de Transito Interjurisdiccional de medicamentos y Especialidades Medicinales


We guarantee the tracking of medicinal products through Verifarma sistema.

768 a 983
480 a 767